Image of a baseball batter ready to throw baseball. He is wearing unbranded generic baseball uniform. The game takes place on outdoor baseball stadium full of spectators under stormy evening sky at sunset. The stadium is made in 3D.

Talk About Throwing Strikes

I love using short stories to illustrate a point.

They seem to convey more lasting meaning and significance than just talking about the facts.

One of my all-time favorites is a short story to explain the concept of how your thoughts create things.

Another way to express this same idea is you get what you think about most.

Just saying thoughts create things, and you get what you think about most is, well, kind of empty.

Sure it has meaning and significance, but only a little compared to this.

It’s the bottom of the ninth inning with the bases loaded in game seven of the World Series.

The count is full, and the pitching coach can see that his relief pitcher is struggling.

The pitcher started this at-bat by throwing two perfect, unhittable strikes in a row.

But the last three pitches were all balls. They weren’t even close to the plate.

If his pitcher gives up a hit or throws another ball and walks the batter, the game is over.

He decides it’s time to slow things down and get this guy back on track before it’s too late.

The coach calls time out and walks out to the mound for a little chat with his pitching ace.

“We’re in a tight spot here,” he says. “Whatever you do, don’t throw another ball.”

“The last thing any of us want is for you to throw another ball right now.”

“If you throw a ball, we’re going to lose the game.”

“I know you just threw three balls in a row, and that’s okay.”

“Just don’t throw another ball.”

“You got it? No more balls!”

“Okay! Go get him!”

The coach walks back and takes his place in the dugout.

His pitcher wipes the sweat from his brow and settles in to throw the next pitch.

Inside his head he hears, “ball, ball, ball, ball, ball…”

So guess what happens?

It’s obvious.

The pitcher throws a ball, and they lose the game.

(Photo by Ryan Hoffman on Unsplash)

It’s a full year later, and it’s game seven of the World Series again.

The same two teams are in the same situation as last year.

The bases are loaded. The count is full, and the same pitcher is on the mound again this year.

Not only that, but it’s the same pitching coach too.

The coach just watched what looked like an exact replay of the year before.

Two perfect, unhittable strikes to start, and then three awful balls in a row.

So what does the coach do this time?

The first thing is he needs to call a timeout to talk to his ace pitcher and does.

As he’s approaching the mound, he thinks about what he said last year and realizes that just didn’t work.

It’s time to try something different.

“We’re in a tight spot here,” he says.

“But I’m not worried.”

“You’ve been throwing perfect strikes all game.”

“Heck, you’ve been throwing perfect strikes all year.”

“You’re the best strike-thrower in the league.”

“All we need is for you to throw one more strike, and we will win this game.”

“So, focus and throw that perfect strike I know you have in you.”

“You can do it! Throw a strike.”

“Okay! Go get him!”

The coach walks back and takes his place in the dugout.

His pitcher wipes the sweat from his brow and settles in to throw the next pitch.

Inside his head, he hears, “strike, strike, strike, strike, strike…”

So guess what happens? It’s obvious.

The pitcher throws a strike, and they go on to win the game.

I want to make one thing clear here to all of you who don’t believe in positive thinking.

I don’t either.

What? Wait a minute.

I thought this was a post about positive thinking.

I thought you were writing about how thoughts create things, and you get what you think about most.

Well, it is, and I am.

But there is one more critical element that many people leave out when discussing this topic, and here it is…

You have to BELIEVE in the thoughts you are choosing.

Positive thinking alone doesn’t work, and the reason you hear people say positive thinking is an airy-fairy idea is the importance of belief is left out.

Do you want to know why just sitting on your couch and thinking positive thoughts about a Ferrari in your driveway doesn’t make one magically appear?

It’s because neither of us believes that will work.

Do you want to know why the pitcher in the story threw a strike and not a ball?

He believed he could, and he focused on the thought of throwing that strike.

He had thrown lots of strikes in the past. He knew he could do it again.

And with the help of his coach, he focused on that thought to the exclusion of every other.

You may be saying to yourself, that’s great for the pitcher.

He could recreate a result he had already achieved in the past.

But I want to accomplish something I’ve never done before.

I have a new goal to achieve, and I don’t have any experience to draw upon to help me believe.

The key to moving from where you are to a goal you want to achieve is by deliberately choosing thoughts you believe.

Each new thought you believe allows you to take positive action towards achieving your goal.

Move one small, believable thought at a time from where you are to where you want to be, and you can achieve anything you want.

I promise.

(Photo by Mikel Parera on Unsplash)

If you are just starting a new business for example, what you want to focus your thoughts on is the first incrementally believable thought and achievement that moves you closer to your ultimate goal of success.

Focusing your thoughts on what it will feel like to have a multi-millionaire dollar business when you’re first getting started is entertaining, but it isn’t effective motivation.

Being a multi-millionaire, while possible, may feel too far off in the distance to feel believable enough to motivate you to act from where you are right now.

Instead, focus on the first believable step in your business-building endeavor, and you’ll achieve it because the thoughts you choose will drive the actions that will enable you to accomplish that step.

Break your ultimate goal down into incremental, believable steps that motivate and challenge you.

You can focus your thoughts on how great it will be to get your first client or the first day your store is open.

Then take the next incrementally believable thought step forward.

Keep going, and you’ll get there.

One more word about your dream to have a multi-millionaire dollar business and thinking about what that will be like.

Dream building is essential, and I think you should spend some time entertaining those thoughts as long as you find them fun and motivating.

However, if these thoughts lead to frustration and inaction, stop!

Go back to focusing on your next incrementally believable thought and get moving forward again.

I believe you can do anything you set your mind to.

Do you?

Be the coach in your head who encourages you to throw strikes, and you will.

I’m here to help you achieve any dream and goal you desire.

Click here and let’s get started now!

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