16 Essential Tips

To Ease Your Journey To Sobriety

You Just Took The Most Important Step
To Take Control Of Your Drinking.
The First One.

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All the best,

~ Joe Vilardo

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Important Links:

Booze Busters 7-Day Challenge Information: ChooseNewThoughts.com/BoozeBusters

One-On-One Coaching Information: ChooseNewThoughts.com/Work-With-Me

Allen Carr's Book "Quit Drinking Without Willpower": amzn.to/45jusdz (Amazon)

PDF Text Document of the 16 Essential Tips: Click this link

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16 Essential Tips - Quick Summary

  1. Once you’ve made the decision to quit, never question it.
  2. Don’t think you HAVE to quit or that you CAN’T ever drink alcohol again. Focus on what you’re gaining.
  3. Challenge any argument that promotes drinking.
  4. Don’t try to avoid thinking about alcohol. Choose your thoughts deliberately instead.
  5. Be aware that you may have some cravings for alcohol the first few days after quitting. 
  6. Don’t panic if you forget that you quit.
  7. Don’t panic if you accidentally consume something with alcohol in it.
  8. Think of yourself as a healthy, alcohol-free, non-drinker right from day one.
  9. Remember, you’re like everyone else on the planet. You’re going to have good experiences and bad, and they won’t have anything to do with alcohol.
  10. Realize that you are in control of any cravings and urges you feel. It isn’t the other way around.
  11. Don’t mourn. Instead, look at stopping drinking as a huge win over your mortal enemy.
  12. Don’t change your life because you’ve decided to be alcohol-free. Live it instead.
  13. Resist the temptation to convert your friends.
  14. Don’t use substitutes for alcohol.
  15. Enjoy breaking false associations.
  16. Don’t envy people who drink.