Stop Drinking Alcohol
Without Using Willpower

In The


        Eliminate Your Desire For Alcohol & Take Back Control

Are you struggling to stop drinking alcohol
because your willpower always runs out?

What if you never felt another urge or craving to drink again?

What if you could finally say goodbye to hangovers PERMANENTLY?

What if you had 100% control of your drinking 100% of the time, and it was way easier than you ever thought possible?

The Take Control Program is a scientifically proven way to eliminate your desire so you can quit drinking alcohol without feeling miserable or deprived.

Eliminating your desire and cravings will leave you feeling completely confident and in control all of the time, and quitting will be the easiest thing you’ve ever done.

Let Me Know If This Sounds Familiar

You worry about how much or how often you drink.

The problem is every time you try to quit your willpower runs out.

No matter how often you try or how determined you are, your nagging urges won’t leave you alone.

So, you give in a little at first and have just one.

But eventually, you’re right back where you don’t want to be - hungover, confused, and maybe even ashamed too.

If you’ve ever felt this way, I want you to know that you’re
not alone, and it’s not your fault.

Conventional methods of quitting drinking rely on an ineffective behavior modification strategy that will never lead to permanent control.

Here’s How Most People Try To Stop Drinking

  1.   You wake up hungover & swear this is the last time.
  2.   You’re in control of almost every other area of your life, so you believe you can figure this out too.
  3.   The only thing you need to do is stop consuming alcohol. Simple, right?
  4.   You do okay at first & use willpower to muscle through the tough spots.
  5.   But your nagging urges won't go away, & you grow tired of fighting them off.
  6.   You entertain the idea of making an exception. Just once.
  7.   You give in. Maybe just a little at first. But each time, a little becomes more & more.
  8.   You wake up hungover again & swear this is the last time.

It's Not Your Fault


I’ll let you in on a little secret.

Using willpower only increases the intensity & frequency of your urges & cravings.

It will never eliminate them.

Unfortunately, most people get stuck in the no-win willpower cycle & never make it out. 

And the most popular and traditional methods of stopping drinking use this same flawed approach. 

It doesn't matter how hard you try to control your drinking using willpower.

You’re just digging a deeper & deeper hole.

What If There Was A Better, Easier Way That Actually Worked?


What if all you need to do is change your approach?

What if the solution is as simple as attacking the problem from the other direction?

What if instead of trying to avoid or resist your desire to drink, you eliminate your desire for alcohol?

How easy is it to take a break from something you don’t want?

It’s simple, right? 

You don’t want it, so you don’t feel any temptation for it. 

Not having it doesn’t matter, does it? 

Taking a break from something you don’t desire is a no-brainer.

Silhouette of a winner on the rock. Sport and active life concept

Your desire to drink is made up of the thoughts and beliefs you choose.

Challenging and changing these thoughts and beliefs is the key to eliminating your desire and taking control of drinking permanently.

Just as you choose beliefs that create your desire to drink, you can choose new thoughts that lead to the permanent control you want.

What Makes This Program Different Than The Rest?


Most methods to help you take control of your drinking focus solely on your behavior & ignore the elephant in the room - the thoughts & feelings that create your desire to drink in the first place.

Eliminate what creates the need for your behavior, & you'll eliminate the reason you're drinking.

Addressing & removing the cause is the critical piece that will bring the long-lasting change & control you really want.

That's the key difference between this program & other stop-drinking programs.

The Take Control Program addresses both THE SYMPTOMS AND THE CAUSE.

Think of it like this. 


You wouldn't treat the pain you feel from having a broken arm with just an aspirin, would you?

Of course not. 

Taking aspirin only provides temporary relief from the symptoms of the pain you feel.

It doesn’t address the cause of the problem - the broken arm.

If you want to eliminate your pain completely, you need to set your broken arm in a cast so it heals permanently & stops creating the pain.

You need to treat the cause to eliminate the symptoms.

Taking an aspirin for a broken arm is the same as using willpower to control your drinking.

It only provides temporary “relief” from your symptoms. 

It doesn’t address the cause of the problem.

You need to change the thoughts you choose that create your urges & cravings to eliminate your drinking behavior permanently.

Your thoughts & desire are like a weed that keeps growing back. 

You need to pull them out, roots & all, to eliminate them.

The thoughts you're choosing that create the desire, urges, & cravings you feel are often overlooked & rarely addressed.

Permanent success comes from changing your thoughts & eliminating your desire, & it's easier than you may think.

Once your cravings & desire are gone, quitting drinking is simple.


So, How Does It Work?


The Take Control Program is a 6-Week, Step-By-Step, LIVE Training & Group Coaching Program that eliminates your desire for alcohol, empowering you to take back control of your drinking permanently.

Simply enroll in the program right now, reserve your spot, & we'll get together twice each week LIVE on Zoom for six weeks.

Attend the sessions. Participate in the process. Follow the steps. Get results. Period.

Mockup image of casual man leaning on sofa, relax using blank screen laptop computer at home or hotel room, over shoulder view, close up


Who Am I?


My name is Joe Vilardo, and I help people eliminate their desire for alcohol so they can stop drinking. 

I struggled to take control of my drinking for over 30 years. I tried everything from AA, rehab, self-help books, and seeing psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists.

Nothing brought the lasting relief and control I wanted. 

But once I learned how to eliminate my desire for alcohol, I quit drinking alcohol permanently.

It was the easiest, most worthwhile thing I’ve ever done.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned over the years from my degree in Psychology, my personal experience, and my life-coaching training, certification, and coaching experience, and I’ve put together the easiest, most effective, step-by-step program for eliminating your desire and taking complete control of your drinking. 

My mission is to help you take complete control of your drinking too.

My Goal For You...


The #1 problem I see that keeps you stuck where you are is believing the best & only path to taking control of your drinking is forcing sobriety on yourself with willpower.

This prevents you from ever being able to make any permanent progress, which, in turn, makes you feel more defeated & creates one more thing to try to escape by drinking.

I’ll help you break free from this endless cycle by showing you why you’re getting the results you’re getting & how to create what you want instead.

That’s the first step to empowering lasting change.

Once you have a clear understanding of what’s happening & why, it’s time to uncover all your thoughts & false beliefs that create your desire to drink.

You'll take each thought & analyze it so you can challenge & change it.

Then, you'll move from where you are to where you want to be, one believable thought step at a time.

Each step you take eliminates more of your desire for alcohol and makes your journey to sobriety easier and more enjoyable.

Here’s What You Get When You Enroll Today...


Step-by-Step Training In The Six LIVE Training Lessons

You'll eliminate your desire one step at a time until your urges have disappeared completely. You'll get any questions you have answered in the LIVE Q&As immediately following each training lesson, so you can apply the new strategies you learn & take back control right away. Plus, you'll have LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL of your Training Lesson recordings.
[$397 USD Value]


The PERSONAL SUPPORT & COACHING GUIDANCE You Need In The Six LIVE Group Coaching Sessions!

Get the personal coaching help you need to apply what you learn to your specific circumstances. And you’ll receive the added benefit of getting answers to questions you hadn’t even considered asking because your colleagues are asking questions & being coached, too. You'll also have LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL of your Group Coaching Session recordings.
[$397 USD Value]


Written Step-By-Step Instructions, Worksheets, Tips, Tracking Sheets, Prompts, & PDFs!

Everything you need to put each technique you learn into practice has been written out in detail. You’ll get written step-by-step instructions, worksheets, tips, tracking sheets, prompts, examples, & definitions. You’ll know exactly what to do & how to do it, and you’ll have it in your hands whenever you need it between training sessions & after the program is completed too.
[$97 USD Value]


A Coach Who’s Truly Dedicated To Your Success

It’s my mission to help my students & clients take control of their drinking, & I care about your success. Taking control of your drinking is easier than you think. Let’s simplify the process for you, focus on what works, & create the life you’ve always wanted.

Value $891

For  Just  $197  USD Today!

This Is Your One & Only Opportunity To Join As A Founding Member For Only $197 USD


I know that's a HUGE markdown in price, but this is the initial launch of the Take Control Program.

I plan to offer this program with recorded trainings and live group coaching calls for a larger investment in the future.

But right now, I’m inviting a small group of Founding Members to go through the training LIVE in real-time as I create it for just $197 USD!

Here’s the catch. I’m only allowing 7 people to join as Founding Members.

As one of the 7 Founding Members, we’ll work closely together for 6 weeks to give you everything you need to take complete control of your drinking. 

I’m limiting the enrollment to just the first 7 people who register to ensure I can give everyone the attention they need in the LIVE Training Lessons, Q&As, and Group Coaching Sessions.

I want to do everything I can to ensure that when the program is completed, we have 7 success stories, 7 awesome case studies, and 7 incredible testimonials from our Founding Members because each member has taken complete control of their drinking.

I want to grow this program and get it into the hands of everyone who needs it, so your success as a Founding Member is my mission, and I know that giving you more support and spending more time with you is a win for both of us.

See How People Who Struggled For Years
Are Taking Control Of Their Drinking & Their Lives...

"I found Joe on Instagram. At the time, I was on the lookout for help to get me out of a spiral of regular drinking. I needed to turn a corner for myself and for others. And I was intrigued by his methodology. Joe turned out to be compassionate, tough, and logical. And very effective. We worked through all my issues and excuses - and he made me see that I have all the solutions at my own disposal. I stopped drinking immediately and found myself in a much better place within days. But more importantly, he has given me the tools to ensure this is a permanent shift. And the independence to know that I can hold myself accountable. The methods may be logical, but Joe is a great teacher and listener. And he can back it up with his own experience. This is a powerful combination. I really recommend his help. It’s transformative.
Thank you 🙏

Samuel L. - Birmingham, England

“Joe is a great coach and teacher, and he really helped me to question so many of the beliefs I had about alcohol that I thought were just true. Changing the way I think has changed everything for me. Quitting completely finally feels possible. The results I've had while working with Joe have changed my life. I would recommend him to anyone."

Tim R. - Rockville, MD

"Coaching with Joe has been a great experience for me. I’ve been able to understand why I was stuck in my head and how to create a life I want to wake up to every day. Joe is smart, kind, funny, and easy to talk to. I know I can hand him any situation, and he’ll help me get through it. His belief in my results and amazing insight have helped me change my life."

Alex G. - Chico, CA

Who Is This For

People who want to change fast.

If you’re struggling and looking for the fastest, most effective way to control your drinking, then you’re in the right place. You’ll notice a huge change in your thinking and control after just the first week of the program.

People who have tried and failed to take control in the past.

Don’t worry. It wasn’t you. It was the method you used. I tried and failed more times than I care to remember, which is why I created this process. It’s different. It’s easy. And it’s the only permanent solution, so you’ll never need anything else.

People who have been addicted for years, or if you've just been overdoing it a little lately.

It doesn't matter where you are in your journey. This is the way to take back complete control permanently.


You Have The Ability To

Take Complete Control Of Your Drinking


Don’t waste years of your life spinning in the never-ending cycle of urges, willpower, regret, and hangovers,

only to end up right back where you started.


There’s a better way!

I don't Care If...

You don’t think you can do it or that it won't work for you.

You tried to take control of your drinking in the past and failed.

You think you’re too old to change and should have tried sooner.

You think you’re too young to have an issue and need help.

You think you’re too busy & don't have enough time for the program.

Eliminating Your Desire Works. Period.


Simply put, the only way to change your behavior is to change the thoughts and feelings that create it.

That’s just how our brains are wired to work.

All you need is someone to guide you and help you uncover, challenge, and change the thoughts that create your desire and poof. It’s gone. 

Once your desire for alcohol is gone, quitting completely is a no-brainer. 

I can tell you with absolute certainty how you created your desire is precisely how you’ll eliminate it - one thought at a time - no matter what your situation is.

Any fears or worries you have that might be holding you back right now will melt away as you start to see the results.

Enroll in the Take Control Program right now, and let’s get started!

In Less Than Six Weeks…

You’ll have a 100% effective strategy to stop drinking alcohol permanently.

You’ll feel confident, relaxed, proud of yourself, and free.

You’ll say goodbye forever to urges, hangovers, and failed promises to quit.

When you’re out with your friends or family, you’ll be able to say, "No thanks," without giving it a second thought or feeling deprived or uncomfortable.

You’ll experience improvement in your health, sleep, bank account, and your relationships too.

You’ll have the life you’ve always wanted and enjoy it more every day.

Or You Can Keep Doing What You've Been Doing
And Getting What You've Been Getting

The consequence of not making a change right now could be that things get worse.
The people & things you enjoy could begin to disappear one by one until you're left with nothing but regret, self-loathing, & shame, all because you decided to keep doing the same thing that has never worked.


It's Time To Do Something Different

If You’re Like Me…

One of the biggest things that kept me from trying something different was that I didn’t believe in myself.

I didn’t think I could change, & I didn’t think this would work for me.

I had tried & failed at so many different things I doubted I’d ever be able to take control.

So I completely understand if you doubt your ability to do this. 

I’m going to eliminate any risk you may feel because you doubt yourself & take that burden on for you by giving you a guarantee.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

You have exactly one year from the day you enroll in the Take Control Program to use everything you learn and achieve your desired result. That’s 365 days.

If you decide you aren't satisfied at any point during that time, simply email me at to get your complete and full refund. I can do this because I believe in the Take Control Program that much.

All I ask is that you show me you’ve done the work. Why do I ask this? You won’t get results without taking action and using what you learn. I don’t want to waste any of my time with someone purchasing my program and not using what they learn. And you’re not one of those people. So you don’t have anything to worry about. 

Be open and honest with yourself and me, do the work, and you will get results. It’s that simple.


But Wait, There's More...



That's my gift to you. I'm committed to doing everything I can to help you quit completely.

So, before the program's first week even starts, you get a FREE BONUS TRAINING LESSON VIDEO & A STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTION GUIDE to set you up for success.

Plus, I'm extending the program one additional week so you get one more FREE, LIVE BONUS TRAINING LESSON & AN ADDITIONAL LIVE GROUP COACHING SESSION TOO.

That's a $214 USD Value - YOURS FOR FREE when you sign up for the Take Control Program today!


One Last Thing...


I'm committed to doing everything I can to help you achieve any result you want.

So, for a limited time only, I'm offering a Special VIP Package to Take Control Program Founding Members only.

As a Founding Member, you can get the extra help, guidance, & insight that comes with Six Additional, 50-Minute, One-On-One Private Coaching Sessions with me at a special reduced rate.

Normally Six, 50-Minute Coaching Sessions are an investment of $797 USD.

But as a Founding Member of The Take Control Program, I’m offering these sessions to you for only $397 USD.

That’s a $400 savings!

I only have three One-On-One Coaching time slots available.

So, if you’re interested in the VIP Package, claim your spot immediately.

Once those three time slots are taken, I’ll have to shut down the offer.

Don’t miss your chance to get the extra time, attention, and coaching you need.


Frequently Asked Questions:

We’ll meet for about 40 minutes each week for the Training Lesson and the Group Coaching Session. 

Or you can watch the video replays whenever it's convenient for you.

Incorporating what you learn into your life is different for everyone.

You may pick it up immediately, take complete control of your drinking the first week, and not need to attend all of the Training Lessons or Group Coaching Sessions.

Or you may need to use time in between each session to review what you learn and practice incorporating it into your life.

Control is the goal. If you’re serious about taking control of your drinking, it shouldn’t make any difference if it takes one hour, day, week, month, or year. 

Know that you are going to get there, and you will.

How much time it takes is up to you.